What is trauma-informed care?

“Trauma-informed care is not just a methodology; it’s a profound commitment to walk alongside individuals in their healing journey, recognising their past, respecting their present, and reimagining their future with compassion and empathy at the...

The Synergy of Healing

“Multi-modality therapy offers hope for trauma recovery by showing that multiple healing modalities work together to create a synergy that exceeds their individual parts. It’s about feeding the soul, healing the body, and freeing the mind, not just...

Unveiling the Unseen

Childhood emotional neglect encompasses the failure of caregivers to consistently meet a child’s emotional needs.    Introduction Childhood is a pivotal phase in our emotional development, a time when we learn to navigate our feelings, form healthy attachments,...

5 life-enhancing benefits of EMDR therapy

­Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR) is used by trauma-informed therapists worldwide to help people gently and quickly process traumatic events.    But what does eye movement have to do with your emotional wellbeing? Everything. Rapid eye movement...